(function($, window) {
$.fn.replaceOptions = function(options) {
var self, $option;
self = this;
$.each(options, function(index, option) {
$option = $("")
.attr("value", option.value)
})(jQuery, window);
/*global wc_country_select_params */
jQuery( function( $ ) {
// wc_country_select_params is required to continue, ensure the object exists
if ( typeof wc_country_select_params === 'undefined' ) {
return false;
// Select2 Enhancement if it exists
if ( $().selectWoo ) {
var getEnhancedSelectFormatString = function() {
return {
'language': {
errorLoading: function() {
// Workaround for https://github.com/select2/select2/issues/4355 instead of i18n_ajax_error.
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_searching;
inputTooLong: function( args ) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
if ( 1 === overChars ) {
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_input_too_long_1;
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_input_too_long_n.replace( '%qty%', overChars );
inputTooShort: function( args ) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
if ( 1 === remainingChars ) {
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_input_too_short_1;
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_input_too_short_n.replace( '%qty%', remainingChars );
loadingMore: function() {
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_load_more;
maximumSelected: function( args ) {
if ( args.maximum === 1 ) {
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_selection_too_long_1;
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_selection_too_long_n.replace( '%qty%', args.maximum );
noResults: function() {
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_no_matches;
searching: function() {
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_searching;
var wc_country_select_select2 = function() {
$( 'select.country_select:visible, select.state_select:visible' ).each( function() {
var select2_args = $.extend({
placeholder: $( this ).attr( 'data-placeholder' ) || $( this ).attr( 'placeholder' ) || '',
width: '100%'
}, getEnhancedSelectFormatString() );
$( this )
.on( 'select2:select', function() {
$( this ).focus(); // Maintain focus after select https://github.com/select2/select2/issues/4384
} )
.selectWoo( select2_args );
$( document.body ).bind( 'country_to_state_changed', function() {
// State/Country select boxes
var states_json = wc_country_select_params.countries.replace( /"/g, '"' ),
states = $.parseJSON( states_json ),
wrapper_selectors = '.woocommerce-billing-fields,' +
'.woocommerce-shipping-fields,' +
'.woocommerce-address-fields,' +
$( document.body ).on( 'change refresh', 'select.country_to_state, input.country_to_state', function() {
// Grab wrapping element to target only stateboxes in same 'group'
var $wrapper = $( this ).closest( wrapper_selectors );
if ( ! $wrapper.length ) {
$wrapper = $( this ).closest('.form-row').parent();
var country = $( this ).val(),
$statebox = $wrapper.find( '#billing_state, #shipping_state, #calc_shipping_state' ), //#shipping_state removed (and readded)
$parent = $statebox.closest( '.form-row' ),
input_name = $statebox.attr( 'name' ),
input_id = $statebox.attr('id'),
input_classes = $statebox.attr('data-input-classes'),
value = $statebox.val(),
placeholder = $statebox.attr( 'placeholder' ) || $statebox.attr( 'data-placeholder' ) || '',
if ( states[ country ] ) {
if ( $.isEmptyObject( states[ country ] ) ) {
$newstate = $( '' )
.prop( 'id', input_id )
.prop( 'name', input_name )
.prop( 'placeholder', placeholder )
.attr( 'data-input-classes', input_classes )
.addClass( 'hidden ' + input_classes );
$parent.hide().find( '.select2-container' ).remove();
$statebox.replaceWith( $newstate );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'country_to_state_changed', [ country, $wrapper ] );
} else {
var state = states[ country ],
$defaultOption = $( '' ).text( wc_country_select_params.i18n_select_state_text );
if ( ! placeholder ) {
placeholder = wc_country_select_params.i18n_select_state_text;
if ( $statebox.is( 'input' ) ) {
$newstate = $( '' )
.prop( 'id', input_id )
.prop( 'name', input_name )
.data( 'placeholder', placeholder )
.attr( 'data-input-classes', input_classes )
.addClass( 'state_select ' + input_classes );
$statebox.replaceWith( $newstate );
$statebox = $wrapper.find( '#billing_state, #shipping_state, #calc_shipping_state' );
$statebox.empty().append( $defaultOption );
$.each( state, function( index ) {
var $option = $( '' )
.prop( 'value', index )
.text( state[ index ] );
$statebox.append( $option );
} );
$statebox.val( value ).change();
$( document.body ).trigger( 'country_to_state_changed', [country, $wrapper ] );
} else {
if ( $statebox.is( 'select, input[type="hidden"]' ) ) {
$newstate = $( '' )
.prop( 'id', input_id )
.prop( 'name', input_name )
.prop('placeholder', placeholder)
.attr('data-input-classes', input_classes )
.addClass( 'input-text ' + input_classes );
$parent.show().find( '.select2-container' ).remove();
$statebox.replaceWith( $newstate );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'country_to_state_changed', [country, $wrapper ] );
var newOptions = [{value: "AL", text: "Alabama"},
{value: "AK", text: "Alaska"},
{value: "AR", text: "Arkansas"},
{value: "AZ", text: "Arizona"},
{value: "CA", text: "California"},
{value: "CO", text: "Colorado"},
{value: "CT", text: "Connecticut"},
{value: "DE", text: "Delaware"},
{value: "DC", text: "District Of Columbia"},
{value: "FL", text: "Florida"},
{value: "GA", text: "Georgia"},
{value: "HI", text: "Hawaii"},
{value: "ID", text: "Idaho"},
{value: "IL", text: "Illinois"},
{value: "IN", text: "Indiana"},
{value: "IA", text: "Iowa"},
{value: "KS", text: "Kansas"},
{value: "KY", text: "Kentucky"},
{value: "LA", text: "Louisiana"},
{value: "ME", text: "Maine"},
{value: "MD", text: "Maryland"},
{value: "MA", text: "Massachusetts"},
{value: "MI", text: "Michigan"},
{value: "MN", text: "Minnesota"},
{value: "MS", text: "Mississippi"},
{value: "MO", text: "Missouri"},
{value: "MT", text: "Montana"},
{value: "NE", text: "Nebraska"},
{value: "NV", text: "Nevada"},
{value: "NM", text: "New Mexico"},
{value: "NH", text: "New Hampshire"},
{value: "NJ", text: "New Jersey"},
{value: "NY", text: "New York"},
{value: "NC", text: "North Carolina"},
{value: "ND", text: "North Dakota"},
{value: "OH", text: "Ohio"},
{value: "OK", text: "Oklahoma"},
{value: "OR", text: "Oregon"},
{value: "PA", text: "Pennsylvania"},
{value: "RI", text: "Rhode Island"},
{value: "SC", text: "South Carolina"},
{value: "SD", text: "South Dakota"},
{value: "TN", text: "Tennessee"},
{value: "TX", text: "Texas"},
{value: "UT", text: "Utah"},
{value: "VT", text: "Vermont"},
{value: "VA", text: "Virginia"},
{value: "WA", text: "Washington"},
{value: "WV", text: "West Virginia"},
{value: "WI", text: "Wisconsin"},
{value: "WY", text: "Wyoming"}];
$statebox.val( $("#shipping_state_hidden").val() ).change();
$( document.body ).trigger( 'country_to_state_changing', [country, $wrapper ] );
$( document.body ).on( 'wc_address_i18n_ready', function() {
// Init country selects with their default value once the page loads.
$( wrapper_selectors ).each( function() {
var $country_input = $( this ).find( '#billing_country, #shipping_country, #calc_shipping_country' );
if ( 0 === $country_input.length || 0 === $country_input.val().length ) {
$country_input.trigger( 'refresh' );